Types of SQL languages

1. Data defination language (DDL)

Purpose: DDL is used to define, modify, and manage the structure of database objects.

  • CREATE: Used to create new database objects such as tables, views, indexes, etc.
  • ALTER: Modifies the structure of existing database objects.
  • DROP: Deletes database objects.
  • TRUNCATE: Removes all records from a table while preserving its structure.
  • RENAME: Renames a database object.

2. Data manipulation language (DML)

Purpose: DML is used to manipulate data within database objects.

  • SELECT: Retrieves data from one or more tables.
  • INSERT: Adds new rows of data into a table.
  • UPDATE: Modifies existing data in a table.
  • DELETE: Removes rows of data from a table.

3. Data control language (DCL)

Purpose: DCL is used to control access to data within the database.

  • GRANT: Provides users with specific privileges to database objects.
  • REVOKE: Revokes previously granted privileges from users.

4. Transaction control language (TCl)

Purpose: TCL is used to manage transactions within the database.

  • COMMIT: Saves changes made during the current transaction.
  • ROLLBACK: Reverts changes made during the current transaction.
  • SAVEPOINT: Sets a point in the transaction to which you can later roll back.


AspectSQL DatabasesNoSQL Databases
Data ModelRelational, organized in tables with predefined schemasNon-relational, diverse data models such as document, key-value, columnar, or graph
SchemaFixed schemaDynamic schema
ScalabilityVertically scalable (scaling up by adding more resources to a single server)Horizontally scalable (scaling out by adding more servers to a distributed system)
ConsistencyStrong consistency, ACID transactionsFlexible consistency models, eventual consistency, often sacrificing strong consistency for scalability
Query LanguageStandardized SQLNot standardized; specific query languages or APIs depending on the database type
ExamplesMySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, SqliteMongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, DynamoDB, Firebase

Create a table named Departments

CREATE TABLE Departments (
    dept_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

Create Students Table

    rollno INT PRIMARY KEY,
    name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    age INT NOT NULL,
    marks INT NOT NULL,
    dept VARCHAR(50),
    fees DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (dept) REFERENCES Departments(dept)

Insert Data into Departments Table

INSERT INTO Departments (dept, dept_name)
('AI&DS', 'Artificial Intelligence and Data Science'),
('IT', 'Information Technology');

Insert Data into Students Table

INSERT INTO Students (rollno, name, age, marks, dept, fees)
(1, 'Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad', 21, 42, 'AI&DS', 120000),
(2, 'Raju Rastoji', 21, 56, 'IT', 85000),
(3, 'Virus', 21, 43, 'IT', 85000),
(4, 'Milimeter', 21, 85, 'IT', 85000),
(5, 'Priya', 21, 97, 'AI&DS', 120000);

Rename table

ALTER TABLE Students RENAME TO "student"

Group By to get minimum marks

SELECT dept, min(marks) as LowestMarks
FROM Students
GROUP BY dept;

Add column

ALTER TABLE students
ADD fees INT DEFAULT 45000;

Join tables

SELECT rollno,name,dept_name
FROM students
INNER JOIN departments ON students.dept = departments.dept;


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