Flight Scheduling with Greedy Algorithms

This code performs the following steps:

  • Define a Flight class to hold flight details.
  • Get flight time in minutes.
  • Sorts the flights based on arrival times and schedules them if they don’t overlap considering maintenance time.
  • Prompts the user to enter flight details.
  • Schedules the flights and prints the scheduled flight and overlaped flights details.

Flight Class

class Flight:
    def __init__(self, flightNumber, departure, arrival, maintenance):
        self.flightNumber = flightNumber
        self.departure = departure
        self.arrival = arrival
        self.maintenance = maintenance

Utility tools

We will use this to convert the time into minutes

def ConvertToMinutes(time):
    hours, minutes = map(int, time.split(':'))
    return hours * 60 + minutes

Flight scheduling algorithm

def ScheduleFlights(flights):
    flights.sort(key=lambda x: x.arrival)
    schedule = []
    overlap = []
    current_time = 0
    for flight in flights:
        departure = ConvertToMinutes(flight.departure)
        arrival = ConvertToMinutes(flight.arrival)
        maintenance = flight.maintenance
        if departure >= current_time + flight.maintenance:
            current_time = arrival
    return schedule, overlap

How it works

graph TD;
    A(Start) --> B(Sort flights by arrival time);
    B --> C{Any flights left?};
    C -->|Yes| D(Initialize schedule and overlap lists);
    D --> E(Set current time to 0);
    E --> F{Flight overlaps with maintenance?};
    F -->|No| G(Add flight to schedule);
    G --> H(Update current time to arrival time);
    F -->|Yes| I(Add flight to overlap list);
    H --> J(Check next flight);
    I --> J;
    J --> C;
    C -->|No| K(End);

Function to get the flight details from the user

We can use this function or we can enter the details manually

def get_flights_from_user():
    flights = []
    while True:
        flightNumber = input("Enter flight name (or 'done' to finish): ")

        if flightNumber.lower() == 'done':
        departure_str = input("Enter departure time (HH:MM): ")
        departure = ConvertToMinutes(departure_str)
        arrival_str = input("Enter arrival time (HH:MM): ")
        arrival = ConvertToMinutes(arrival_str)
        maintenance = int(input("Enter maintenance time in minutes: "))
        flights.append(Flight(flightNumber, departure, arrival, maintenance))

    return flights

here is a sample flight data for our use:

flights = [
    Flight("flight1", "08:00", "10:30", 30),
    Flight("flight2", "11:00", "13:30", 45),
    Flight("flight3", "14:00", "16:30", 20),
    Flight("flight4", "17:00", "19:30", 35),
    Flight("flight5", "20:00", "22:30", 25)
# flights = get_flights_from_user() //if you want to take inputs from the user
scheduledFlights, overlapedFlights = ScheduleFlights(flights)

columns=['Flight Number', 'Departure Time', 'Arrival Time', 'Maintenance Time']

flights_df = pd.DataFrame([(flight.flightNumber, flight.departure, flight.arrival, flight.maintenance) for flight in scheduledFlights], columns=columns)

overlapedflights_df = pd.DataFrame([(flight.flightNumber, flight.departure, flight.arrival, flight.maintenance) for flight in overlapedFlights], columns=columns)

print("\nScheduled Flights:")

print("\nDelayed Flights due to overlap:")

Here is the entire code for you to try

import pandas as pd

class Flight:
    def __init__(self, flightNumber, departure, arrival, maintenance):
        self.flightNumber = flightNumber
        self.departure = departure
        self.arrival = arrival
        self.maintenance = maintenance

def ConvertToMinutes(time):
    hours, minutes = map(int, time.split(':'))
    return hours * 60 + minutes

def ScheduleFlights(flights):
    flights.sort(key=lambda x: x.arrival)
    schedule = []
    overlap = []
    current_time = 0
    for flight in flights:
        departure = ConvertToMinutes(flight.departure)
        arrival = ConvertToMinutes(flight.arrival)
        maintenance = flight.maintenance
        if departure >= current_time + flight.maintenance:
            current_time = arrival
    return schedule, overlap

flights = [
    Flight("flight1", "08:00", "10:30", 30),
    Flight("flight2", "11:00", "13:30", 45),
    Flight("flight3", "14:00", "16:30", 20),
    Flight("flight4", "17:00", "19:30", 35),
    Flight("flight5", "20:00", "22:30", 25)

scheduledFlights, overlapedFlights = ScheduleFlights(flights)

columns=['Flight Number', 'Departure Time', 'Arrival Time', 'Maintenance Time']

flights_df = pd.DataFrame([(flight.flightNumber, flight.departure, flight.arrival, flight.maintenance) for flight in scheduledFlights],columns=columns)

overlapedflights_df = pd.DataFrame([(flight.flightNumber, flight.departure, flight.arrival, flight.maintenance) for flight in overlapedFlights],columns=columns)

print("\nScheduled Flights:")

print("\nDelayed Flights due to overlap:")


Scheduled flights:

Flight NumberDeparture TimeArrival TimeMaintenance Time

Delayed Flights due to overlap

Flight NumberDeparture TimeArrival TimeMaintenance Time


Copyright © Aditya Godse

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